Monday, December 21, 2009

Movie Title!? Movie of: building, old man stuck in elevator, masked hero, machine gun man, mirrored scene.?

I saw this movie a long time ago from about half way through. I believe that the building this movie took place in was time warped because there were some chinese or mongolian soldiers guarding at the bottom. I remember a man who was old and reminds me of woody allen. He later on is helped out by a woman. While all this is going on, there are like bad guys in the building that this masked hero is fighting, one of which was a guy with an old school machine gun. In the final like boss kinda guy, the masked hero fights him in a room walled with mirrors. His mask comes off from fighting and I remember him being like really cool handsome actor. He then makes a knife to levitate and go into the bad guy. It ends with him returning to the streets where he puts on regular clothes seemlesly like clark kent. Everyone on the streets, including the hero, are wearing clothes out of the 30s and 40s. It ends with him putting on a hat like so: and then walking and dissapearing into the crowd. Please help me find out what this movie was!!!!Movie Title!? Movie of: building, old man stuck in elevator, masked hero, machine gun man, mirrored scene.?
...I might be shooting from the hip, on this on, but based upon what you have described, might you perhaps be thinking of the dark fantasy/actioner, called ';The Shadow';, which starred Alec Baldwin???Movie Title!? Movie of: building, old man stuck in elevator, masked hero, machine gun man, mirrored scene.?
Thankyou sooo much. I have been looking for that movie ever since I saw it. It holds a special place in my heart. I am seriously going to buy that movie tonight. THANKYOU again. Report Abuse

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